Application Control - Blocks Windows App Store
FYI - The application Category Web File Transfer blocks the Windows App store on Windows 10 from downloading app updates.
2020-07-14 10:06:20 Deny http/tcp 56472 80 1-Trusted 0-External-1 Application identified 17560 64 (HTTP-proxy-00) proc_id="firewall" rc="101" msg_id="3000-0149" src_ip_nat="" tcp_info="offset 5 A 24387869 win 26369" app_id="5" app_name="Web File Transfer" app_cat_id="3" app_cat_name="File sharing services and tools" app_beh_id="3" app_beh_name="transfer" geo_dst="USA" Traffic
Once I allowed the category Web File Transfer, the app store began to function normally. Seems like it's miss-categorized to me. Tested on m270 running 12.5.3
Considering, the recent Emergency Windows 10 "Large Image" Security Flaw requires an update through the Microsoft Store, others may want to check their networks.