502 Bad Gateway

I was just informed ( and I verified) that when trying to download the SSL VPN client from the external interface of my firebox https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/sslvpn.html they receive a 502 Bad Gateway error.

When logging into the Access Portal on the same IP address the page displays fine and one can log in.

Not quite sure what has change because it's always worked before.

Any ideas?


  • Doug

It's usually something simple.


  • james.carsonjames.carson Moderator, WatchGuard Representative

    Hi Doug,

    My best guess would be that maybe an errant space or something got inserted into the URL. Without seeing the firewall logs, it's difficult to say why it presented that page. It could also just be a bona-fide error/issue.

    If you'd like more info, I'd suggest opening a case, so that a tech can dig into it. In the interim, you can get the SSLVPN clients directly here:

    (Mobile VPN with SSL 12.5.3 for Windows)

    (Mobile VPN with SSL 12.5.3 for MacOS)

    -James Carson
    WatchGuard Customer Support

  • Hi James,

    I've tried using the fqdn of the 3rd party certificate and by IP address with the same result.

    I have directed users to download directly from Watchguard for now.

    Odd the SSL-VPN users connect fine and the Access Portal displays and authenticates.

    Guess I'll open up a support case.


    • Doug

    It's usually something simple.

  • Opened a support ticket.

    Have you tried turning it off and back on again?

    Problem resolved. :-)

    • Doug

    It's usually something simple.

  • @shaazaminator said:
    Opened a support ticket.

    Have you tried turning it off and back on again?

    Problem resolved. :-)

    • Doug

    This result is hilarious in light of your tag line!

    Gregg Hill

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