A Message from Product Management

Your voice matters!

WatchGuard's Wi-Fi product line has evolved over the last several years to solve the problems we hear from our valued customers and partners all around the globe. Today the Wi-Fi line includes powerful access points with flexibility to be managed independently in the Wi-Fi Cloud or the Firebox network security platform.

We want to make sure we are getting your important feedback and suggestions to the right teams inside WatchGuard so please help us out with a few simple suggestions to streamline your feature requests:

  1. Let us know what AP management option you are using that your feedback refers to:
  • Basic Wi-Fi - Managed by Firebox
  • Secure or Total Wi-Fi - Managed by the Wi-Fi Cloud
  1. Let us know what your use case in a sentence or two. i.e. "Guest Wi-Fi in a restaurant" or "office Wi-Fi with WIPS security protection from the 6 Wi-Fi threat categories."
  2. Tell us what you think we could do to make the product even better and what benefit you feel it would have. i.e. "please add feature X so that we save time in initial setup and deployment."

The Wi-Fi Team at WatchGuard

Without a trusted Wi-Fi security standard for the industry, hackers will continue to exploit gaps in Wi-Fi security to steal money and data. It's time for a change. Are you with us? trustedwirelessenvironment.com

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