login with other accounts

I have ssvpn client version 12.5.3 on Win10. When I connect with account 1, everything is ok, I got push notification to my phone, etc. When I try to use another working account, I got instant error:
Requesting client configuration from vpn.oursite.com:443
auth failed
When I use this account on other computer, everything is ok.
Why is this, some "cache" issue or what ?


  • james.carsonjames.carson Moderator, WatchGuard Representative

    Hi @indrek

    The error here is "auth failed" -- meaning that the authentication server is rejecting the attempt.

    The cache popup window is the SSLVPN client asking if you want it to connect to the server it last successfully connected to. Since it's the same firewall, clicking yes will just put you in a loop of failing to authenticate.

    Since you mentioned a push, that means you're most likely using a RADIUS server to authenticate against. I'd suggest checking there, as it'll likely provide the most information about why the user did not authenticate.

    If you need assistance, I'd suggest opening a support case, so that one of our support representatives can help walk through that securely.

    -James Carson
    WatchGuard Customer Support

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