The broadcast traffic is to find printers and the Savant host (pluswhatever else I have not identified that broadcasts) - this is a corporate installation.
Bruce, broadcasting across VLANs was an attempt at a workaround...what I really want is different SSIDs on the same LAN/Subnet so I can put different webblocking profiles on them. Thank you,
NOTE: Also, I was able to "punch a hole" between the VLANs to each VLAN was able to reach resources on the other VLAN...but no broadcast traffic passes. Thanks again,
I was able to set each SSID to a different VLAN and put each VLAN to a separate policy that I could then add WB to...but I need to allow broadcasting between the VLANs and those appear to be blocked - does anybody know if there is a config to allow broadcasting between VLANs? I think that could be a workaround if possible.…