@Bruce_Briggs yes I tried that using a range to specify the 2 remote IPs but the tunnel wouldn't establish with that setup.
Figured out the problem. I had the tunnel routes set to:<=>Vendor IP #1<=>Vendor IP #2 The watchguard didn't like that. Had to use: =>Vendor IP #1<= Vendor IP #2 Thank you @Bruce_Briggs and @thejohncarlson ! I am new to watchguard and your responses were helpful.
@thejohncarlson did you ever get this working?
Diagnostics from the web ui. Version is 12.8.2 Yes running a tracert. The NATing is not happening. The tunnel is not being used. Maybe a virtual interface is the only way to do this. I have sent the vendor the documentation for that but figured I'd ask here in case there was something I am missing. Thank you for your input…
@Bruce_Briggs I have set the Public IPs that I am trying to reach via the tunnel into the Remote section and set the desired NAT Address in the 1-to-1 section. Would the Public Addresses be causing the 1-1NAT Invalid Address Type(0) error? When I try to access these Public Addresses the traffic does not go through the…