Solved my own issue after some additional troubleshooting. I unchecked 'Enable Remote backups' saved. Then rechecked 'Enable Remote backups' saved. Was able to run scheduled and manual backup tasks.
TCP Dump was showing no traffic on the external address. I was able to contact the ISP this morning and found out that incoming traffic was turned off. Didn't realize that was a thing for business accounts. Thanks for your assistance in working through the issue.
Thanks for the responses: * I am not seeing any typos. Checked the interface/policy/SNAT and connecting device. Everything looks correct * 'Send log message' was enabled for the policy. * I am not seeing any allows logged for the new IP. I can see allows for the old IP.
Solved. Creating the custom packet filter fixed the issue. Thanks!
Solved. I narrowed it down to 1 PC. It had an expired cert used by several sites. I manually installed the new cert and completed a couple needed Windows updates. Sites are now loading. It was not a WatchGuard issue. Feedback from the user had me thinking it was affecting the entire subnet. Was able to get onsite today.…
* One sample site is * I did not see anything being blocked in traffic monitor * No * 12.4.1
Issue was fixed after updating Dimension to a new version. Apparently the logging service was messed up, but the update corrected it. I did open a case but was not getting responses so I thought I would try here. Finally did after 12 days and multiple calls.