hello, so what is the cheapest contract possible to enable firmware updates for a non end-of-life device. thanks,
"Also, it was free from Win 7 to Win 10 for a limited time that expired years ago" not true, as i mentioned, i have made good money and done good for my clients. instead of spending a huge sum on a new computer, just free upgrade to win10, and…
- the T70 is end-of-life in "31 Dec 2025", should get firmware updates until then. never should be extorted to pay for firmware! really, just a small ask from a small time tech. and upon further meditation, seems to me that even micro$osft does not do this.…
thanks much for your help, but really, please, no need to be arrogant, save the attitude! i am a small-time tech for the small company, their previous tech ripped them off, over paying for the router and a dedicated computer just to manage the router. i am just trying to do good this small company NOW! crap attitude to pay…
thanks much, i updated to 12.7.2 Update 2. tho still very frustrated that i have to pay for firmware updates.
thanks, "Current Version: 12.5.6 (Build 633773) Latest Version: 12.8 (Build 657104) " wow, in over forty years of computing, never once was forced to pay for a firmware update. and given the disaster of watchguard's handling, would think that watchguard should be very embarrassed at the long-term reputational damage and do…
good point and thanks
sorry, did not realize that "Inspect" was a router feature, not something i thought you wanted me to do. can you please send me a how-to link? thanks
getting it again, with so every time, i have to look deep into traffic monitor logs, that i really do not understand and parse out the reason. how can this be the official watchguard stance?
thanks, right, webblocker, not dnswatch. but i get that ugly "PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR". i have used many routers over the years, they all give a nice user-friendly message with details. something like "this website was blocked due to a block categoty of Dynamic DNS, please speak to your administrator"
thanks, yes, i noticed that, but why the ugly, confusing error? how can i get a normal warning that the website is blocked due to dnswatch blocked category?
thanks, working now! now i know what to do for next time; to look at the traffic monitor for the deny rule. so in this case, for "HTTPS-Client.Standard.2", i add a allow rule for the domain name this is from the traffic monitor Deny https/tcp 51892 4444 Trusted External ProxyDrop: HTTPS Request…
well, you cannot connect to, as there is firewall rule on that router, to only allow the ip addresses of my office, which is behind the watchguard router. note: right now, also at my office, is another router used for guest wifi, if i am logged into that wifi router, right now, i am connected to…
i did not disable the SSLVPN-Users policy as all the other users are using that to vpn in and i do not want that to change at all for now. as a test, i only want to create a new user and have that new user locked to one internal machine. once that is working, i will replicate for each existing user. thanks,
i tried to move that new policy above the SSLVPN-User but still seems that the policy did not take effect?
i made a policy, but it does not seem to be active. from 'grpuser01 Firebox DB' to '' policy type 'port tcp:3389` i am in using vpn as that user 'user01' do i need to move the new policy from the bottom of the list to above 'Allow SSLVPN-User' policy?
deleted post.
for that new user, i created a new group and assigned that new user to that new group. so i still need to add that new user to the SSLVPN-Users group? i need that user/group to have it own policy. thanks
i did the following, what now? thanks 1. create a new group for that one user. 2. create a new user 3. assign that user to that group
thanks much, about the user/group, i am confused. at, under authentication, i can add user/groups, but if i add a group, there is no edit button, no way to add a user to that group. but my vpn users are no listed there, instead i created them at…