Okay - I'll do some further testing. Also, I'm entering the exceptions in the WB global exceptions list.
Hi James, Thank you for that great explanation! I will pass this along to our CFO. I believe it will relieve any concerns. Travis
Hi Bruce, I tried your version of the exception to WB and I saw no difference - either rule (your version or the RegExp version) allow the app to work. Should I notice a difference? Thanks!
Hmm...pasting didn't come through correctly. The regular expression version is: api\.elevate\.services/ but I'll give your version a try and see if it makes a difference.
Thanks for the advice, James! I'll work on that as well. Bruce, here's an example of the regular expression version:
I have found that when I enter in the exceptions as a pattern match I did not get alarm/log notices but when I enter them in as regular expressions I do get alarm/log notices.
WooHoo! I can now see traffic that is blocked by the WB! I'll start adding exceptions and hopefully solve the issue. Once again, thank you!
Okay- I'll give it all a good review and see what I can find. I surely appreciate the help!
I do see lines like this: ProxyDeny: HTTP Invalid Request-Line format (HTTPS-proxy-00) proc_id="http-proxy" rc="595" msg_id="1AFF-0005" proxy_act="HTTP-Client.2.1" geo_dst="USA"…
Inspect is enabled, I have Alarm and Logging on. App control is not enabled. WB is enabled on the HTTPS proxy action. Logging is enabled for reports in the proxy action and I have enabled Logging and Alarm for the WB action but still see no blocked traffic.
If I turn WebBlocker off the Elevate application works fine. I don't change any other proxy actions when I turn off WB. Is there something else that would indicate a proxy? I can't see any of the blocked traffic when WB is either on or off.