
  • @Bruce_Briggs you might laugh, i tried that! I tried to activate an Alias consisting of 513 lines in a policy from TOR-Exit-Nodes to any with action denied. Our M370 did not save the settings! No joke. Firebox System Manager 12.6.4 cannot handle that.
  • Thanks James and Bruce, The TOR Nodes don't belong to a country, and bitcoin is not a currency. But both exist and have their functionality 😉 @James_Carson: is the list definition only verifiable via category check? If i block the complete "Proxy Avoidance" Group, or only the subcategory "TOR" the category check…
  • As far as i know Watchguard VPN with MFA only works with the Authpoint App prior to Fireware 12.7, released this week. With 12.7 IPSEC or SSL-VPN can be used with (Watchguard) Hardware Token as second factor for Authpoint.
  • Same here. After a Fireware Update the MacOs Client of Watchguard Mobile VPN SSL 12.5.3 refused to work. Updated Client to latest - no improvement. Getting configuration from getConfigFromFireBox terminated with status: 0 :o But the OpenVPN Client ( works perfectly with the same…