
  • James, In reply to your: 'If you're using shared computers with shared logins via the access portal, I'd suggest setting the browsers up to clear cookies on exit. ' I cannot control publicly available computers or computers from other companies. People access the portal from random places as they should be able to.
  • Hi James, We've set timers for the Firebox Authentication parameters and the Access Portal both to 120 minutes session 60 minutes idle. We'll monitor the results and come back afterwards, perhaps open a ticket.
  • I concur. It's absolutely abhorrent! One was having an issue with registering a locally-managed device in the cloud for visibility. I mentioned what manual/article I used for it. We get a reply to use the exact same manual as I stated I've used and is not working. Happened on three different occasions/issues in a few weeks…
  • Seems like we have another issue actually, I made a bad explanation of the issue. When the users actually are timed-out, they refresh the page and are logged right back in... That's a serious security issue! IE: I was logged in to the Access Portal. At some point my RDP sessions disconnected after waiting a while and the…
  • Hi, Have you resolved this in any way? We have a similar issue with the Access Portal. We use authpoint SAML for the Access Portal and users close the browser and walk away. Any other user that opens a browser afterwards that is within the timeout-threshold, set under Authentication > Settings, Firebox Authentication, has…
  • Hi James, No, I've really seen AuthPoint as an option in the dropdown box at some point in time for the Access Portal... Remeber getting confused where it went and had to go to SAML. To bad I can't replicate it or confirm with screenshots. Was about 2 years ago. Do you think it might be a real future option though?
  • Hi James, Sounds good, talked to another wg representative recently who wasn't sure that was possible. Glad your saying it is. Do you have any documentation on this setup? All I could find is a statement that SAML SSO only works for HTML connections not the RDP/SSH ones, which are actually opened in a new HTML window...…
  • Hi James, I was referring to the Access Portal 'internal' interface binding, ie the source of RDP/SSH/HTML connections. Not the external interface that externals users connect to. Regards,
  • Just asked for the same feature, other guac based implementions like on the older Pulse Secure already had this feature. Can't see why Whatchguard wouldn't be able to have it. Use AD/LDAPS MFA for the portal and have the token carry over for the RDP (whatever the connection type; rdp, tls, nla, etc).