Thank you, James. I will do so.
Is there any other action we can take on this? Would an official support request be something that can help resolve this, or is this outside of the scope of those?
Hello, @"james.carson" I did so and I do not see any other pages other than the terms and conditions (which I also whitelisted just in case). Then I decided to bypass the proxies for this specific website via http and https from a test machine IP to . The chat is still being blocked, and yet I am still not…
Thank you so much! You guys' rock. I was a little off on my thinking, so this helps tremendously.
Thank you @"james.carson" . If I may follow up, what would be the pitfalls of not having an external DNS server at all for the global DNS? Say, both internal DNS servers fail (for whatever reason, I've seen it happen before, but external DNS was configured as the third option).