James, Bruce, Thank you for the insight. I also need to disable this option but can't risk breaking our BoVPN Virtual Interfaces on which we rely so heavily. So, if I understand correctly the above - in order to effectively maintain the BOVPN Virtual Interfaces reliably connecting in both directions and still remain…
I actually tried to use the web ui as a work-around but deleting the blocked sites didn't work. I would highlight a row, click delete and yes in the popup window to confirm but the IP remained. The other big complaints I have about the web UI in this case are that you can only select one IP row at a time to delete (in WSM…
Good Morning. Not to hijack and I know this thread is a little dated, however there was no confirmation on the resolution here and we're running into the same issue. I'm hoping James you might have some insight. We are failing PCI scans due to VPN Config. We use BOVPN Virtual Interfaces and I've recently swapped them all…
Same here, ever since 12.9.(B673767) WSM I can't even scroll the Blocked Sites tab. It takes several MINUTES to respond and eventually bogs down to the point where WSM becomes completely useless for monitoring our M370. If there is some kind of a java environment variable work-around for this it would be very handy to know…