
  • Unfortunately this new feature helped only a few days on the box in our main office. We saw that a few days after the release the attackers changed their strategy completely. Only 2 or 3 attempts from one ip address in one hour, but from much more addresses. In the beginning they just used generic usernames, but then they…
  • Hello James, i know that i can define rules for Mobile VPN with IPSEC. If i route all traffic through the tunnel for security reasons, none of my already defined rules is applied to the traffic. All rules i want to apply for this traffic have to be defined again. It would be much more comfortable if already defined rules…
  • Hi Bruce, Watchguard says that the option "force all Internet traffic through the tunnel" is more secure than split tunneling. But if we have to define all rules again for traffic from the tunnel, this is not really comfortable, especially if you have a lot of rules. An option to apply existings rules also to the tunnel…