
  • With AuthPoint you will need to federate an entire domain. So you cannot do user by user. The only way around this that I've found is for users (or accounts) you don't want to use AuthPoint on, for example a scanner service account is to have those users primary username changed to the suffix. In my…
  • Hi James, but that is the thing, there is no LDAP server on the network with this firewalll that I'm trying to authenticate. the LDAP server is at head office. The LDAP bind errors are on the remote WG logs.
  • Hi James, We are just looking to use the SSLVPN for this site. I have created a firebox resouce for this device in AuthPoint. but when I try to connect to the SSLVPN using the AuthPoint authentication server, I see an LDAP bind failed error in the AuthPoint audit log :(
  • I'm looking to implement AuthPoint for SSLVPN on one of our WatchGuards. This particular device isn't our main office device, but on a separate network (with no connection to our corporate network.. and therefore no active directory communications. I've managed to setup AuthPoint for SSL VPN for a client that is 100% and…