Thank you MWhiteley, solution for me /ip firewall mangle add action=change-mss chain=forward new-mss=1382 passthrough=yes protocol=tcp tcp-flags=syn tcp-mss=!0-1382
I figure where is problem. I use the same webblocker policy on HTTPS and HTTP.. Very simple, but... Webblocker in HTTP and HTTPS needs to be different. One for inspect in HTTPS proxy policy, ono for deny in HTTP proxy policy.. HTTP proxy * In webblocker deny everything if you want. HTTPS proxy * Put annother webblocker and…
Thank you.. Yes, as I thought. I have to create tunnels for each location. Luckily there are only 9 locations :D
Here's a picture, I really do not know.
Thank you. Yes, but I can't get deny message or override.. When I using only WebLocker and mark deny and override, I got only DNS problem in browser. Override is turned on and password is configured.. I see that there are questions about it, but I haven't found a solution. HTTP works, but HTTPS not..