Best Wordpress SSO plugin?

I did try miniOrange SSO using SAML 2.0 like used in the support page only the free version is to limited to make SSO work correctly. Everything is focused to made you use there own SSO platform and 349 dollar per year for there payed version is to expensive for just or own Wordpress.

What are the experience with other plugins ?


  • james.carsonjames.carson Moderator, WatchGuard Representative

    miniOrange is the only one that WatchGuard has successfully tested with, but that testing was at least a year ago, so there may be more options now.

    While you may get some responses here, I'd suggest also posting over at WordPress' forums.
    Since SAML 2.0 is a universal standard, you may get more replies since all of the customers there use WordPress, vice a few users that may use it here.

    -James Carson
    WatchGuard Customer Support

  • I use Wordpress, AuthPoint and the free miniOrange without any problems. That said, I had to modify wp-login.php to prevent by-passing the AuthPoint login..

    Adrian from Australia

  • edited February 2021
    > @xxup said:
    > I use Wordpress, AuthPoint and the free miniOrange without any problems. That said, I had to modify wp-login.php to prevent by-passing the AuthPoint login..

    Ok mine says it cost 300 dollar to enable that option and redirecting outliving users.

    But I see there are multiple plugins from miniorange.
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