Dynamic DNS with private external interface on Firebox T20
Hi all, I will set up a VPN on my Firebox T20 in the next few weeks. For this reason, I need to set up dynamic DNS as well. I'm stil figuring out what provider to use, but I'm leaning towards Cloudflare for a number of reasons. I looked up the configuration on Watchguard's documentation and it seems to be pretty straightforward, except when I pick Cloudflare as provider the "Allow the dynamic DNS provider to determine the IP address" tick box seems to disappear. Watchguard docs say this box should be ticked when the external interface of the Firebox has a private address, which is my case, and I can't change that. Has anyone successfully configured Cloudflare dynamic DNS on a setup like mine?
Thanks a million
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Cloudflare's specific update method doesn't support that option. If you need that option, I would suggest using a different provider that supports it.
-James Carson
WatchGuard Customer Support
@james.carson thanks for your feedback. Too bad Cloudflare doesn't support that option. Guess I'll go with DuckDNS then. Do you have any suggestion on which provider I should choose?
@stefanoradice I can't make a recommendation for a 3rd party service. Most of the services do the same thing, so I'd suggest looking at the costs for each (if there is one) and which one fits into what you're going to do the best.
-James Carson
WatchGuard Customer Support