Upload Failed: 161 Backup failed: Unable to upgrade OS because of getting image info failed Upgrade


While trying to upgrade an M300 from 12.3.1 to 12.5.9 U2, it first showed the error "Unable to upgrade the OS directly from WatchGuard. If this problem persists, use an upgrade file to upgrade the OS." when trying the option "Download and install an upgrade directly from watchguard.com", then, when I download the upgrade zip file from the oficial website, showed the error "Upload Failed: 161 Backup failed: Unable to upgrade OS because of getting image info failed Upgrade". Anyone knows whats this is about and how I could proceed with the upgrade?


  • james.carsonjames.carson Moderator, WatchGuard Representative

    Hi @marcelosb

    The error means that the firewall can't pull down the image file from services.watchguard.com. 12.3.1 is old enough where it might not be looking in the right place. Using the file from our website is the best bet.

    First, make sure you're unzipping the file -- the firewall wants the sysa-dl file inside of it. (Lots of people make this mistake.)

    Assuming that this isn't it.
    -Please try rebooting the firewall first.

    If you're still not getting anywhere, I'd suggest opening a support case.

    -James Carson
    WatchGuard Customer Support

  • @james.carson

    First, make sure you're unzipping the file -- the firewall wants the sysa-dl file inside of it. (Lots of people make this mistake.)

    Myself included... Ok, I will try it correctly now and report back. Thanks!

  • Thank you, now it worked perfectly

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